Thursday, January 4, 2007

first blog.

(pre-thoughts: blogging...blogging...i don't know how to blog! i write all the time and people often say, "you should write a book!" but when i feel pressured, i have no idea what to say...)

i've recently been empowered to take more ownership over my business and, really, over my life. it should come as no surprise to some vendors that it's time we part ways because it's just not working for either of us. i'm so excited to say "no" and to hear "no" back! uh, from some, that is. i do need for there to be about 10 loud "yes!" 's. risks are involved, but i thrive on adventure and living life completely and fully. part of my tagline is "live without regret." and i want that to be true of me.

over the holiday, i read robin mcgraw's book, "inside my heart" front to back in one night. and, while i thought some of the God-thoughts she threw in were a little bit trite ("God helps those who help themselves." i've never seen that scripture.), i loved her main message: that life is about choices. she is living the life now she set out to live as a result of the choices she made in her own life, and reaping the benefits of owning her life and being in control of the results. for me, i know better than to try to take control of anything. it's doomed to fail. and not just a little bit. miserably. but i understand what she's saying - get involved. be proactive. stop blaming others for how life has turned out and take responsibility for your life. i love that.

and so, i'm making some changes. specifically, i'm making changes to my business, creative juices. here's the reason why i started creative juices: for me, when i create, it's how i worship God. my spirit is the most alive and i am most at peace when i am painting, singing, creating -whatever. i think my sister would say "mostly painting" about me. it's probably true. when i am not creating, or haven't for a while, i lose a little piece of myself somewhere that only takes me moments to find when i start to create again. i started creative juices with my friend tiffany when, upon thinking about other people who are also artistic that haven't tapped that well in a while, i considered what type of venue i could offer them in order to give them a reason to create and, thus, encourage their spirit to come alive again. my heart behind creative juices is to help others live freely, fully, and completely alive as it might be expressed through their craft.

we started with 17 artists and quickly -very quickly- grew to 32. shortly after we started, "we" became "i" and "i" found myself lugging around equal parts of everyone's collections to my trunk shows and markets. if you've ever represented yourself in a show, you know how much work it can be. you can only imagine how much more work it is to carry yours plus 31 others things to a show. and so, after an inspiring conversation with one of my vendors who is also a longtime friend, i'm making changes. good, exciting changes that i don't have to apologize for or ask permission about and, more importantly, will lead me closer to the life i want to have. my hope is that my artists will agree that the time is right for this. it's not personal, it's business - although, when you're dealing with a bunch of artists, the business is personal.

i guess, the message i want to convey is what robin mcgraw (magraw?) talked about in her book. i have the power to make choices for and about my life and i don't have to ask permission or blame anyone for the results. it's up to me. and that's how i want to encourage you: it's up to you.


lori said...

Well said, mk! I need to read that book as well. Congratulations on your first post. Looking forward to more.

Anonymous said...

(clap clap clap)
Realizing that we are where we are because of the choices we've made - even those that were responses to events we never saw coming - and owning that is HUGE. I look forward to seeing how your business continues to evolve :^)